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Tout les joueurs ont un jour expérimenté ce sentiment de vide après avoir fini un jeu vidéo dans lequel ils avaient passé plusieurs centaines d'heures. Que reste-t-il à faire dans un monde dans lequel il n'y a plus de trame narrative à suivre... 
Photographe professionnelle, ses travaux mettent en valeur les jeux vidéo particulièrement à travers l’In-Game Photography. Laissant de côté les quêtes principales et les esthétiques léchées des jeux, elle se concentre davantage sur les PNJs (Personnages Non Jouables) et les détails. 

Every gamers have experiment once in their life this feeling of emptiness after finishing a game where they spent hundreds of hours of playing. What can we do in a world where there is no more storytelling to follow...
Professionnal photographer, Elise Aubisse's works are about video games, mostly with In-Game Photography. Leaving the main quest and the aesthetic of video games out, she prefers to focus on NPCs (Non Playable Characters) and details. 


2022, March: Featuring in "Pourquoi la photographie virtuelle tarde-t-elle a entrer au musée ?" by Elodie Cabrera for Télérama

Featuring in "When photographers go vitural" by Charlotte Jean for Blind Magazine

2022, January: Featuring in "The imaginary wolrds of In-Game Photography" by Nathalie Dassa for Blind Magazine

2021, August: Featuring in "Fotógrafos de games ganham reconhecimento no mundo das artes" by Bolivar Torres for O'Globo

2021, April: Featuring in "Jeu en mode photo, pratique artistique: l'essor de la photographie de jeu vidéo" written by Pierre Trouvé for Pixels/Le Monde

2021, February: Featuring in "L'art de la photographie virtuelle" written by Vincent Manilève for the web magazine Stories

2020, November: Interview with Max Wild for STUDIO Magazine's first issue. In english here

2020, February: Tracks interview on TV. In french here

2019, September: Featured in Wedemain's article "Photographes des mondes virtuels" written by Ioana De Mello. 

2017, 15th to 30th November: Exhibition at the French Institute of Finland, Helsinki. Informations here (in French) and also here (in Finnish)


Due to Copyright's concern, please note I do not sell my work.

Email me at elise.aubisse@gmail.com

Follow me on Instagram